Capacity building Of eMployees of municiPalitiEs for beTtEr provisioN of publiC sErvices
Citizen information platform for strengthening client relations
Citizen information platform for strengthening client relations
Improving customer service skills  effective training materials for municipalities
Improving customer service skills  
effective training materials for municipalities
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About The Project

The main challenges that inspired the project

Nowadays EU member states are experiencing a decline in their common democratic values. This is especially true for the countries in the former Eastern Bloc and the South-Eastern Europe, where the dissatisfaction with the quality of public services is also increasing. Therefore it is crucial for public entities in this region to establish a stronger relationship with the society, and to get capable to quickly adapt to its changing societal needs.

The main objective

The main objective of the COMPETENCE project is to improve the quality of public services provided by municipalities through capacity building of the civil servants. For this purpose the project wishes to improve the communication and intercultural skills of the employees of the municipalities, and thus create better relationship between the local governments and societies. The project aims also to intensify the international cooperation with the Donor States, and promote the transfer of specific knowledge generated and collected in the project in this topic for the internal education within the public sector.

Target groups

The project target groups are: (1) employees of municipalities providing public services on daily basis; (2) local and regional public authorities wishing to adapt their services to meet the changing needs of the society; (3) NGOs and other bodies providing local public services and interested in capacity building for their employees.

Project goals

The project partners have different backgrounds, yet share similar challenges and common goals.


Municipal District of Prague 6

For the Municipal District of Prague 6 in the Czech Republic, the implementation of the project represents a unique option to target and improve key competencies of public servants who are frequently in touch with citizens of foreign origin. At the same time strengthening international cooperation through the implementation of the project will bring invaluable experience to the municipality and eventually to its clients as well.  

Municipality of Kallithea

For the Municipality of Kallithea in Greece, the underlying aim of the project is to improve the quality of municipal social services through the improvement of professional and interpersonal/ communicational skills of employees and the achievement of a more essential connection between social needs and municipal responsiveness.

The Directorate for Social Welfare Arad

The aim of The Directorate for Social Welfare Arad in Romania is to assess perceptions of citizens on aspects of communication and contact with employees, as well as on the difficulties encountered in accessing the services / benefits offered by the institution.

City of Trogir

Through the project, the City of Trogir in Croatia, aims to make the local government more responsive and a key element in the stability and sustainable development of the region.

Local Government Municipality of District 11 of Budapest, Újbuda ​

The lead partner of the project, Local Government Municipality of District 11 of Budapest, Újbuda in Hungary, aims to improve the quality of public services provided by the municipality through capacity building of the civil servants, especially in the field of social services.


Åpenhet as the expert partner, expect this project to mirror the values they believe in, by:
– improving the quality of public service delivery to citizens,
– fostering more fruitful cooperation between citizens and public servants,
– ensuring project’s sustainability and durability by providing access to the pedagogical resources created in the project for any public servant,
– initiating international cooperation dynamics between like-minded, proactive municipalities,
– reinforcing the transparency of public services by publishing the results of the project.


In the project implementation 5 transnational study visits and 4 stakeholder conferences with public bodies will be held to share the project results and to encourage the public actors to improve the intercultural and communication skills of their staff, 1 training course for staff delivering public services on daily basis at the beneficiary organisations will be implemented, and 1 action plan will be elaborated to contribute to efforts relating to improving the communication and intercultural skills of civil servants beyond the project partnership.

The Project In Numbers

5 project partners from the beneficiaries + 1 expertise partner from Norway

1.181.489,00 EUR total budget

6 countries

Competence training based on hundreds of feedbacks

at least 250 participants in the trainings


Local Government & Municipality of District 11 of Budapest, Újbuda

Lead partner


Expertise partner

Ecorys Polska

Fund Operator


social media


Kick-off meeting

stakeholder conference ujbuda

2nd Study Visit, Norway

4TH study Visit, PRAGUE

5TH study Visit,

Final Conference in Prague

The COMPETENCE project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation.